INTROSPECTION - there is only 1 reality | parallel realities | past | present | future | mind prison

1 year ago

The purpose of a sick society is to keep you distracted, because that's how it disempowers you, so that you feel weak, and therefore needy. Then the sick society will always be the so-called hero to save you. But anything narcissistic (or hurt in any deep way) will think that saving you can only be done if they save you from your pains. Real ones or pains that they experience, imagine they experience as well as imagine that you go through. Because they won't be able to think of more than just their pains, right? So someone who wants to save you, by killing you. We've seen plenty of this already in society. Quite recently, huh? How very striking XD
Most, if not all illusions fade when you are in mortal danger, physically pained, or deeply hungry. Because your physical body won't allow you to think much about your illusions.

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