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Day In The Life || Special Needs Mom

2 years ago

Day In The Life Of A Special Needs Mom
Homeschool Mom Weekly Routine
What does a week look like for a Stay at Home Mom with 4 kids, one with Special Needs?

My daughter is 2, she has Down Syndrome. I have 3 other kids and yes, we homeschool, and yes we homeschool year round. This is a view of our week long routine, specifically for my daughter. We are crazy - but we do it! Somehow!?

We visit multiple therapy sessions (2 Physical, 1 Occupational, and 2 Speech Therapy Sessions). We meet with the Intervention Specialist as well as the insurance. We also have a Cardiology Appointment. Not to mention working with her on her walking, language and feeding through the week.

Meanwhile I have 3 other kids to attend to. Yes this week was a little easier because the did have VBS, but it was only for 3 hours a day. The rest of the day was spend field tripping, doing homeschool and making sure they were taken care of.


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