A21 Crafting the Principal Rules of Tauchain: Ensuring Consistency and Quality #shorts

1 year ago

Q: In an old interview, you stated the making of a principal set of rules the Tauchain needs to abide by, how many versions of those will we craft before we know which one to set as a standard. This considering that one mistake in this base set of rules could make for a damaged pillar on which the rest of future construction resides?

A: How many iterations do we need in order to converge to a good law of the system, well of course there is no fixed number, things need to be very well refined and they will be refined using discussions. During discussion, when the system shows agreements and disagreements, the opinions gets more and more refined and the when we think that things are ready enough, we can follow the discussion consensus.
Coming with a consistent body of rules of laws is very hard but we have the machines to help us in detecting inconsistencies and missing parts and we also have the discussion in order to help us to formalize what we want in a way that we want it to be like.

- Ohad Asor, Founder & CTO of Tau https://tau.net/our-team/
#shorts #Tau #Tauchain #Agoras

🎥 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJpM23o3loA&list=PLeBSjZu0y6vXmFwoi1BH7uwb2w_642aKW&index=21 👈

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