Nagorno-Karabakh Residents rise up and demand End to Blockade, Lachin Corridor could reopen Monday

1 year ago

1. Tens of Thousands of Artsakh residents on Sunday—Christmas Day—showed their collective commitment to their nation and rose up at a public rally to demand an end to the two-week-long Azerbaijani blockade of Artsakh.

It was at the very site of the February, 1988 demonstrations that sparked Artsakh Liberation Movement that the citizens of Artsakh, almost 35 years later, raised one fist in demanding justice and their right to self-determination.

Artsakh’s political leaders, who announced the rally on Saturday, were determined that through the Artsakh’s people’s collective resilience their voices will be heard. They also were defiant as they addressed the large crowd, which was there to demand an end to the 14-day blockade by Azerbaijan, which has created a humanitarian crisis, with shortages of food and basic good exacerbating an already fragile situation.

They reiterated their calls to the international community to take decisive action in the face of a continuing and blatant attempt at choking the 120,000 residents of Artsakh and warned of a new ethnic cleansing attempt by Baku. [asbarez]
*1b. Hundreds of citizens of Artsakh gathered at the Russian peacekeeping contingent’s checkpoint on the Stepanakert-Shushi road on Saturday and demanded that the peacekeepers ensure the normal functioning of the Lachin Corridor in accordance with the November 9, 2020 trilateral statement.*

Politician Tigran Petrosyan, one of the organizers of the rally, told Armenpress that a representative of the Russian peacekeeping contingent said that the Lachin Corridor could be opened on December 26.[asbarez]
*2. Russian Peacekeepers Claim Lachin Corridor Could Reopen Monday.*

Petrosyan posted a statement on social media, clarifying that the representative of the Russian peacekeeping contingent told him that a meeting of the top leadership will take place on December 26, the issue will get a final solution and the road should be opened.

Petrosyan was presumably referring to the informal CIS summit scheduled to take place Monday and Tuesday in Saint Petersburg.

Kremlin spokesperson Demitry Peskov said that while the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan were scheduled to attend the summit, a meeting between Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan was not scheduled. [asbarez]
*3. Нагорный Карабах: две недели блокады.*

Жители Степанакерта требуют разблокировать Лачинский коридор, единственную дорогу, которая связывает Нагорный Карабах с Арменией. По их словам, в регионе дефицит продовольствия и медикаментов. В воскресенье Ереван отправил в Степанакерт машиной Красного Креста груз гуманитарной помощи. [euronews]
#armenia #azerbaijan #borders #border #csto #russia #ceasefire #nagornokarabakh #nagorno #conflicts #Artsakh #арцах #артцахконфликт #Лачинскийкоридор #LachinCorridor #blockade #блокада
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