Mouths Full of Easter | Toby Sumpter (Exhortation—King's Cross Church)

2 years ago

On this day and throughout this season, we say, He is risen/He is risen indeed! Our mouths are full of this blessing. And so it is that God would have us, His people, have resurrection mouths, Easter mouths. Mouths full of resurrection blessing and life.

But it’s so easy whether by long bad habits or surprise disappointments or festering bitterness or anger for our words to be ugly, biting, resentful, malicious. But all of those words, the words that bite and devour, the words that criticize and accuse, they are words of fear and despair. They are words of the grave. They are words of death and decay. But when we say Christ is risen, we cannot despair. We cannot fear any more.

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