THE OLD WAYS: Ragnarok

1 year ago

Brothers! Sisters!

We are IN the End Of Days! Soon #Ragnarok shall be initiated..... the times of Great Reckoning.... LONG prophesied!

Countless strands of fate, of potential futures have been woven, bringing us all to the single most important in ALL of history..

The stakes are HIGH, the fallen creator that came here so long ago to feed MUST be UNDONE! The Satan, the lucifer, the leviathan, the great devourer.... This inverted sun which steals light and life and corrupts and feeds and violates all that it touches.... it is outside of the natural order of things. And NEVER before has all of Creation faced such a threat.

The Satanic Demiurge lies even to itself, even to hose who serve and feed it directly.... as it IS its nature to be LIES... We must starve this thing, weaken it... and then undo it, UTTERLY.

Ragnarok WILL be initiated in our lifetimes, BEFORE 2030... possibly as soon as 2025

MANY elder souls that have already gained radiance, heroes of old... have returned to be alive in these times for the final battles, that will be won with weapons of old!

To become a chosen man, to BE SACRED PROTECTOR! So you must reconnect to and trust in your wild animal nature.... so you must come to walk and live the unfolding path, so you must give your life up in service of the Realm, and so you will be set free!

The HONOUR of it, the PRIVILEDGE to be alive at such times, when EVERY human soul bonded with the parasitic darkness shall be cleansed or slain.... those corrupted souls we are unable to de-latch from the parasite that leads them astray.... face Soul Flaying upon passing through deaths door! A terrible fate far worse that anything one can suffer in the physical plane.

Ask yourself BROTHERS, what part will you play in this story, will your name be recorded and remembered in the halls of VALHALLA!?!?! Or will you quietly slink by as the world faces ruination and calamity...

Every man longs for his own nobility, but so too he longs for battle in upholding of sacred law, and protecting of the innocent..

Your RAGE is needed! Your Bloodlust is ESSENTIAL! Your yearning for battles and the tearing asunder of the enemies of this realm APLAUDABLE!

Awaken WARRIORS brothers! Battle brothers...

Time is short, and we MUST prepare.

To Love
To Protect
To Lead by example
To seek truth, no matter how terrible
To do the right thing, no matter the cost

The oldest of our Sacred Laws: The blood of the innocent shall NOT be defiled.

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