WTD ep.75 Dr. Thomas Graham 'healing SRA with Chiropractic care'

2 years ago

Dr. Thomas Graham joins us on Wake the Dead to discuss his practice of healing victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse. Thomas is in the Atlanta, GA area in the American southeast. He works as a Chiropractor at Genesis Optimal Living as well as donates his services to Warrior Bride Ministries to help heal the victims of SRA. Atlanta is a hub of child trafficking & SRA. Thomas is doing his part to heal the victims. Thomas describes how he became aware of SRA. He shares his understanding of how SRA trauma affects the body & mind. He also shares what practices he has found to help heal the mind & body from the evil trauma inflicted on the innocent victims. We need more people like Dr. Tom out there in the world doing what they can to heal us. We are in a spiritual war & Dr. Tom is on the front lines. Thanks for listening, Merry Christmas

Find Dr. Thomas Graham here:

Find Warrior Bride Ministries here:

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