Prepping - Preparing is not hoarding

2 years ago

Morning guy's this one is a pet peeve, so many recent videos have been getting released asking us to Hoard.

Prepping is not hoarding, a prepper stockpiles, inventories and organises according to their own plan for SHTF and uses their preps

If you hoard, you might:

Feel the need to get more things, even if you have a lot already
Have very strong positive feelings whenever you get more things
Feel very upset or anxious at the thought of throwing or giving things away because of your emotional attachment to them
Find it very hard to decide what to keep or get rid of
Find it hard to organise your things
Have so many things that you can't use parts of the place you live in – like not sleeping on the bed or using the sink
Have lots of disagreements with the people close to you about your things
Find it hard to pack for trips away, like a holiday – you might pack many more things than you really need, because you can't decide what's important

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