Opinion Writing: How to Get Started

2 years ago

Opinion writing is one of the best and easiest ways to break into publishing. Want to see your byline in print? Get a hot opinion, but make sure it's legitimate.

Magazines and newspapers especially are always looking for smart voices and unique takes on hot topics. Readers want more content on things that are trending. If you can provide entertaining or informative pieces on those things, you may become an editor's best friend.

This short video goes into just a tiny bit of what I've learned about opinion writing and offers a great resource in the Op/Ed Project.

Ericka Andersen has been a freelance writer for many years and has been publishing in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Washington Post and more!

Follow her writing and get updates on when a new session of "Pitching & Publishing 101" launches: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/626989091e8046b220253aa8

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