Beano saves the planet from Human-Caused Global Warming

2 years ago

 #Beano saves the planet. Therefore humanity can continue to destroy each other.  thanks to Beano Democracy is saved in order to keep in slaving those who believe that it’s actually democracy in this Orwellian world slavery is freedom, and that war is peace.  anthropogenic global warming is just yet another hoax that the government has placed on us in order to get us to eat bugs and not beef. The amount of methane in our atmosphere is 2 parts per million methane (0.0001% CH4 in our atmosphere) and carbon dioxide, which is 400 ppm is the heaviest of the gases, therefore sinks lower quicker in Arepas fear because plants need it on the surface and that is why there’s a tree line where plants cannot grow because there’s not enough carbon dioxide in order for them to make food with photosynthesis. Anthropogenic, global warming is a hoax and if you have any since about understanding thermodynamics, then you won’t be so quickly brainwashed by the left-wing media, and are corrupt government.

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