cas: 434-05-9 Methenolone acetate Primobolan

1 year ago

cas: 434-05-9 Methenolone acetate

CBNumber: CB8446910

Chemical Name: Methenolone acetate

Molecular Formula: C22H32O3

Formula Weight: 344.49

CAS No.: 434-05-9

What is Primobolan?

Also popularly known as Methenolone, Primobolan is an oral/injectable anabolic steroid that is used by bodybuilders to encourage increased lean muscle mass; prevent muscle wastage and enhance physical performance and strength.

In fact, thanks to its long acting and mild anabolic effects – plus its low androgenic properties – it is considered one of the safest anabolic steroids around, as it can confidently be used by both men AND women without fear of liver toxicity or aromatization.

But that’s not all it can do…

It has been found to be beneficial in the treatment of underweight children (malnutrition), premature infants, osteoporosis and sarcopenia.

In its liquid form it is known as methenolone enanthate. As an oral tablet it is known as methenolone acetate.

Active life: oral methenolone (4-6 hours); liquid (injectable) methenolone (10-14 days).

Difference between Primobolan depot and oral Primobolan: Primobolan depot is an injectable version of the hormone which is attached to the large enanthate ester (production of this stopped in 1993 so any injectable versions you find are from underground labs). Primobolan is comprised of the same active steroid hormone in Methenolone; HOWEVER it is attached to the small acetate ester (making it suitable for oral use).

Methenolone (also known as primobolan) was described in 1960. Squibb Company began producing injectable drug in 1962. Methenolone originally was prescribed in case of muscle loss after operations, infections, long-term illnesses, aggressive therapy with corticoids or malnutrition, and in some cases it was used to treat osteoporosis and breast cancer. Methenolone was commonly used to promote weight gain in infants, weighing less than normal, without any side effects. Methenolone is an anabolic steroid, modification of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) with weak androgenic activity and a moderate anabolic effect.

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