To sum up about life in Birmingham in the first year

2 years ago

During the first year living in Birmingham, when i initially moved in Birmingham, i thought there aren't plenty enough job opportunities but once i transform my old CV into British CV standard, there are more than 10 UK companies are asking me to submit CV to begin work immediately, at first, the probation period of the contract are designed to be 3 months and after 3 months, they'll offered me a permanent contract, i nearly reached 4 months working in Birmingham via recruitment agency. So in the first six months, i visited Bullring city Centre, Public Library which is one of the biggest library in Europe and also canal as well.

To comparing my previous job in HK, UK colleagues are mostly friendly working environment than you work in HK and the pay rate is absolutely great. One of the good news is during the first six months upon arrival, my visa literally fulfilled not to leaving UK for more than 180 days. That means i am currently counting for 2nd year in the UK.

In order to ensure that i could successfully applied indefinite leave to remain, it is the best time revising Life in the UK test as early as possible to make sure i remembered all citizenship test question.

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