Principle of As Within So Without: Inner HU links with Outer HU (Rabbahu) | Sufi Meditation Center

2 years ago

Talk Chapters :
00:00 Realities of Muharram and forgiveness
01:00 This way of Naqshbandiya is based on making a soul connection
02:24 Dangers of arrogance if the path isn’t based on humility
05:23 The 72 paths which will go astray and the 1 true path
07:50 The inner journey through the nafs (ego) to reach to the inner Hu
09:05 The meaning of Hu – Hidayat (guidance) and wadood (love)
12:52 How to fight the inner devil which is attracting the outer demons
15:21 Whichever you feed – your demon or reality, will become stronger
19:49 Don’t be tricked to leave the awrad (daily practices) till late, do it early to have a blessed day
20:52 As the inner hu beings to emanate it attracts and establishes the connection with the outer hu – the guides, towards Rabbahu

Recorded : 20220813

The Muhammadan Way is home to world-renowned Sufi Muslim teacher Shaykh Nurjan, exploring traditional Islamic realities and sciences of the soul.

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