Xmas Message To Freedom For Nova Scotia 2022

1 year ago

Presented by Darlene

An exert from
All About Digital ID Why What How by
Melissa Cuimmei - Ryland Media The Irish Inquiry

Their interested in control and wealth. They don’t care about anybody else on the planet, they do not care about the planet, they only care about wealth and control.

What can we do about it?

This is going to be won by communities, so, find people that are like minded, that’s going to keep your confidence up. Do Not Give in and Do Not give Up. If you Give Up now, and if we don’t fight this now, we are giving our children twice the battle. It has to be fought now. The quicker that we do this, the easier it is to get out of.

Find your communities, find your people, find your support network, and they are out there, absolutely. People think that they are alone, they are not alone. You are not crazy. Your intuition is correct. You need to get out there and meet with these people. We need to simply Say No.

Do not let you’re your children participate in it. They are going for your children now. That is the final demographic.

The people who are aware, who have been saying it from the start, they want our children, they need our children, hence the jabba age is now 6 months and up. Then the jabba passport, for them, if you want to participate in society.

Withdraw your participation. If you want to understand history, we have been here before. This new Reset is absolutely terrifying, this new financial system is one of totalitarian control of every aspect of your life.

Is that what you want for your children?

It will be the same as before. Little by little, like 2 weeks to flatten the curve, to lockdowns to jabba mandates, to passports. Its going to be the same move into the social credit system. First with incentives, like before, then with punishment, like before, with segregation. Then ultimately the carbon credits. Energy is the best functioning currency. that’s why they are moving into carbon credits.

With that we need to put our energy into the future that we want to create. If that’s the currency then we control it. We have been in a slave system for so long,

Its time to get out, its time to realize that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and stop letting ourselves be distracted from that.

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