18 - The Return of Covid

1 year ago

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the supermarket without a useless, pathetic cloth mask covering half of your terrified face, having doused your hands in toxic gel, the Unknowns bring you: The Return of Covid!! (Cue dramatic music underscoring Fauci lecturing us that cloth masks do – or perhaps don’t – work as well as professional, full-face respirators. Or as well as your beloved’s underwear come to that.)
We swing by the Covidian concepts of social distancing (derived, evidence-free, from a teenager´s school science project); lockdowns (a prison term, never before applied to quarantine healthy people); PCR tests (far too unreliable to be used diagnostically according to PCR inventor Kary Mullis); asymptomatic carriers (formerly known as healthy people, only classified otherwise using the aforesaid, unreliable PCR test); and deadly treatments such as ventilators and Remdesivir, when effective, safe treatments were readily and cheaply available.
So, what is the Covid legacy? Lasting psychological damage to children forced to wear masks or else be held responsible for “killing grandma”. Physical danger from deadly white clots for the jabbed, and possibly even the unjabbed, given the mRNA/spike protein shedding phenomenon. A hypnotised population, gripped by the Covidian cult to such an extent that they wear masks alone in their cars, and who won’t take any notice of your contrarian facts, scientific evidence or graphs.
But it’s not all bleak as there are increasing numbers of people waking up to the truth as evidenced by us Unknowns gathering together to bust Covidian myths to an ever-growing audience.
So let us drink to a better future ahead with a refreshing and spike protein-busting drink of pine needle tea.

Unknowns featured this week: Terry, Justin, Ashley and Toons, with off-mike questions from Jackye.

Useful links:

You Are Loved Store - Jackye’s online shop: "Their goal is to spread love and kindness throughout the world through every day and specialty items".
The Propaganda Report, with Brad Binkley and Monica Perez - the Podfather and the Podmother, and the hosts of great and informative podcasts.
The Union of the Unwanted — freewheeling discussions between an ever-changing group of like-minded podcasters; the inspiration for our format and name.
The origin of the lockdown idea.
Del Bigtree´s ICAN organisation, where you can find the released Pfizer documents.
The scary, if slightly flawed documentary Died Suddenly.

We don’t really do social media as individuals: we are Unknowns after all. But you can contact our group via:
Twitter - @UnionUnknowns;
Email — unionoftheunknowns@gmail.com;
Phone - 404-482-3130

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