Mothra Retrospective - 04 - Rebirth of Mothra 3

2 years ago

Talk about a cursed review! FIRST Ingrid & I recorded it once and my phone glitched out, loosing it. THEN my hard drive glitched and deleted my videos and ONLY this was was NOT recoverable!

And the most ironic thing is...this movie...WAS ONE OF THE BEST KAIJU MOVIES INGRID & I HAVE SEEN! This is RIGHT up there with the upper Echelon of the Godzilla and Gamera movies we've seen! We went from one of the WORST to one of the BEST!

In this movie KING GHIDORAH appears and this is hands down our second most favorite Ghidorah! Second only to the Monsterverse version...which ironically enough we both think they took a LOT from this one! This Ghidorah is one of the few that acts independently, no mind control! He is INSIDIOUS! His plan is to abduct all the children then EAT them! He can regenerate at an incredible rate! Etc etc!

But Mothra Leo is no slouch either! He arrives far earlier than usual, puts up a great fight, is willing to make a sacrifice to do a one way trip back in time to destroy Ghidorah when he's young, but nearly died doing it. Then he gets some help from past Mothra's then he is restored in the present day as Eternal Mothra and takes down Ghidorah once and for all!

OH and these were some of the best kids in a Kaiju movie! Not just the main kids but ALL of them! The main kids had purpose, were not annoying and handled well, and the secondary kids all came off not only believable but SMART! When they were captured, one kid threw their ball at the wall of their cell and it melted! Who knows how many people that saved!

PLUS the COSMOS get their best outing as we find out the three sisters actually have reasons behind their actions and attitudes. The two "Heroic" sisters represent Courage and Love! Two very definitively good traits! Belvera represents Wisdom (We mistakenly stated she had courage...we were going off of memory here guys!) which can apply both ways. Plus Ghidorah is so dangerous Belvera needs to team up with her sisters!

Overall this is an INCREDIBLE way to end out the trilogy and is a high note for Mothra!

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