Favorite Christmas Gaming Gifts - The Original NES in 1987

2 years ago

Over the years, I've gotten some truly amazing gaming related gifts for Christmas. However, nothing tops what really ignited my love for video games, and I'm talking about when I received my original Nintendo Entertainment System back in 1987.

My NES journey is a bit different than most others. My brother actually has one of his friends loan is his Nintendo for a long time - like close to a year! Well, eventually he wanted his NES back, which was a bummer for me as I played it almost non-stop.

I convinced my parents that if I only got an NES for Christmas that's all I needed for a gift. My parents didn't know anything about video games, so my dad, bother and I went to the local Kmart to pick one up before Christmas. There was one caveat though, while we were getting it before Christmas I couldn't play it until after Christmas. I agreed, but I snuck it out early to play.

I did eventually get caught, and my dad threatened to return it. He never did, but it was one hell of a scare. I played so many amazing games on that system, often on my 13 inch black and white TV. I foolishly sold it when I moved on to the SNES, but I'm glad I eventually got another NES. I do wish I still had my original, but I'll always have that memory.

Let me know what some of your favorite video game gifts have been over the years. Have you gotten systems that you wanted and cherished? Was there a specific title that you received that choked you up? Share your stories in the comments as we will be continuing the series throughout the month of December 2022.

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