Feed what you Want | Predestination

2 years ago

Economic and social problems have never been the result of a lack of resources.

There has always been a far greater abundance of the things we need.

And as our ability to utilize and process components of our environment increases, the ratio of what is available to what is needed or even can be utilized becomes greater and greater.

Undesirable circumstances, both individually and communally, are always the result of the misuse of resources.

A tumor in the body is identical to a failing member of a family or society.

The non-productive or even malignant nature of the organ or member is caused by an abundance of resources being utilized towards the wrong purpose.

Recovery for the individual or community is only possible through the excise of the unproductive or counterproductive member or the starvation of that member.

Through starvation there is hope of redirection, reorganization and refocus on productivity for the individual member and the group as a while.

Feeding the tumor, feeding the problem individual, community or nation only exacerbates the problem.

Sympathy and charity are two of the most destructive forces we can experience.

For the short-term boost in ego we sacrifice the longterm recreation of the beneficiary of our charity towards a productive role.

There is no change that comes out of support.

Everything that we feed propagates more of its current state.

Affliction and lack are the circumstances that have the possibility of transformation.

It is mercy and justice for there to be misfortune experienced by the unfortunate.

And fortune given to the fortunate.

Even temporarily experiencing misfortune strengthens sand further purifies the fortunate.

And temporary fortune hastens and amplifies the misfortune of the misfortunate.

©2022 Pearls & Bacon Ltd.

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