1 year ago

In the United States, real news and medical statistics have become so altered and even suppressed, we find ourselves seeking more & more information from sources outside the US.

One of the statistical anomalies seen in 2021 which the corporate, mainstream media refused to address, was how more people died "from COVID" in 2021 than in 2020 when the "plannedemic" first began.

Mortality rates continued to rise in 2021, despite the FDA fast-tracking several new drugs and "vaccines" to "prevent COVID" or "reduce the chances of death" from COVID-19!

While the corporate media and the U.S. Government "health" agencies never even considered the possibility that the excess deaths in 2021 could be due to the massive roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccines and mandates, those of us in the Alternative Media did.

Here we are now, in the 9th month of 2022, and all across the world in many countries, reports of "unexplained excess deaths" continue to increase, from "all cause mortality" and not from COVID, even though the number of COVID-19 vaccines administered has drastically fallen in 2022 as compared to 2021.

Alberta, Canada has recently reported that "Unknown Cases of Death" took over the "top spot" for causes of deaths in 2020, displacing "Dementia" which held the top spot since 2016, more than doubled in 2021, is still increasing there in 2022 and is now finally being "investigated", supposedly.

The Daily Mail reported last week (prior to 9/25/2022) that "Undertakers have been run off their feet with abnormally high numbers of Australians dying."

European statistics provided by EuroMOMO, (an European mortality monitoring organization), claim there have been more excess deaths recorded in 2022 than in 2020 and 2021! ....the greatest increase in deaths have occurred in children and young people, those people who had LESS THAN a 0.02 of 1% of dying from the infamous CORONAVIRUS!

Read the full article with commenting available: https://healthimpactnews.com/2022/unexplained-deaths-becoming-1-cause-of-death-in-2022-in-canada-australia-and-europe-deaths-among-children-and-young-people-explode-in-europe/
Video first published on September 25th, 2022, by Health Impact News

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