FreakSense TV Presents: Companions ~ The True Story of Mary Magdalene & Jesus of Nazareth

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FreakSense TV Presents: Companions ~ The True Story of Mary Magdalene and Jesus of Nazareth

2:30pm PST, 4:30pm CST, 5:30pm EST, 10:30pm UK Time, 12:30am SAST, 11:30am Sydney Australia, 11:30pm Wellington NZ

As we fast approach the Miracle of Christ Mass, Colleen and I will be hosting a Very Special Show today that will teach to U the Limited Truth of Jesus of Nazareth, and His Soulmate, Mary of Magdala…everything that will be shared with U today, comes from God, to me, via the ‘Downloads’ that I daily receive during Meditation…the first time that I was CALLED to do this show, was back in September, September 11th to be precise…the power went out here in Mexico, and the clock on our Oven was flashing 11:11…I smiled, closed my eyes, as I was surrounded by our Animals, and as plain as Day, God began to unfold this story of Jesus of Nazareth and Mary of Magdala to me, sans Words, only thru Crystal Clear Images, in which I immediately KNEW what was being shown and what was being asked of me…over the next two months, October and November, the rest of their story came to me…and from the middle of November until just two days ago, I completed my Earthly investigation into Key aspects of Jesus and Mary via substantiated historical writings and documents…

These documents have been examined and corroborated over the years by many scholars who have verified the dates given within…many of these documents existed at the time when the Catholic Bible was being constructed by the Scholars from the Council of Nicea, however, they REFUSED to treat with such manuscripts, as they powerfully laid out a cohesive historcial narrative that did NOT FIT with what the Catholic Church wanted to sell, namely, that Jesus is NOT a Man, rather, is God, and as such, the Catholic Church are not only the Owners of the Corporation of Jesus Christ, but God Himself, and that they hold the Keys for an Earth Wide population of Worthless Sinners who all wish to avoid Hell and enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. The Omission of Mary Magdala as an equal to Jesus of Nazareth, a Divine Wombman of Strength, Intelligence of the Highest Character, is purposeful by the Catholic Church…for to rule over a World of Fall Angels, then the Fallen Masculine must lead, and hold superiority over the Care, Compassion, Sympathy, Empathy and Kindness of Wombmen, which represent a SINLESS state for Mankind…and this ONE point is more KEY than all the others…as for the FEW to Rule Over the MANY, the Many must be convinced of their Worthlessness and the Divinity of a Small Group of well Ordered Men…the Church, which is ROME and ROMANS, which are the Venetians, who are the Phoenicians, who are indeed the Descendants of Cain, who Slew and ATE his own Brother Abel, in a Jealous Rage, over Abel's connection to God thru his Divinity…

Thus, for Two Thousand Years, our entire History has been RE-WRITTEN by the Canaanites, designed to obfuscate their Evil Deeds, Paint a Picture of Wombmen as Temptresses, and the Originators of Sin, so that the Fallen, Selfish, Egoic Man can lead this World of theirs, and ensure that Satan is worshipped and exalted over time, while the Truth about Jesus Christ, and therefore God, becomes LOST to all but a Precious Few…

So, what I am sharing with U today, however improbable it may appear to some to be, IS the Truth…not the Whole Truth about Jesus and Mary, as simply, most records of this time period are NOT available to the public; however, what is being shared with U is the Truth and Paints a Powerful Image of the Relationship between thesse Two Divine Souls, and how thru the Strength and Courage of Mary Magdalene, the most Divine and Pure Bloodline on Earth, the Order of the Sacred Blue Rose, continues on to this very day, and that these Descendants of Jesus of Nazareth and Mary of Magdala, have been this group known as ’The White Hats’, and now, Q…a group of Divine Souls who seek an end to EVIL upon this Earth and the Resurrection of the Principles held most dear to the two heads of their Line, and thus, to God’s Will…the removal of a Plague upon the Earth, a Darkness known as the World, or Organized Society, and a return to simpler and Quieter Ways, a return to the Light, were Money, Title and Ownership no longer exist, and we all come to see ourselves as Sovereign Caretakers of this Earth in the names of the Son and Daughter of Man, Jesus of Nazareth and Mary of Magdala…


So, sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this masterpiece to the glory of God's Creation, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 80 Animals here at our Shire Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of Wisdom...So, if you are willing, we would be VERY appreciative if you could sign up Monthly, via PayPal (which works well in Mexico), or thru our Givesendgo page...for a one time PayPal Donation to our Animals,

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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