All Saints.

1 year ago

EDWARD DENNETT was born on the Isle of Wight in 1831 at Bembridge and died in Croydon in Oct. 1914 after a short illness. His people were all in the Church of England. Still, he was converted as a lad through the instrumentality of a godly clergyman. He left the church from conviction and became minister of a Baptist Chapel in Greenwich, having previously matriculated at London University.

In 1873 he contracted a severe illness through visiting one of his parishioners and was sent abroad for a year by his people. He wintered at Veytaux and, coming in contact with ´brethren´ staying at the same ´pension,´ he had a good deal of intercourse with them, which helped to clear in his mind specific difficulties that he had.

Taking no steps till his return, he explained his views and resigned his charge. Shortly after ´breaking bread´ for the first time with those gathered simply at the Lord´s table "unto His Name."
Mr. Dennett had the pen of a ready writer. His sphere of labor was England, Ireland, and Scotland, and he paid visits to Norway, Sweden, and America. He had pastoral and teaching gifts of a high order.

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