WMA Club Meeting Spring Semester 2022 - Meeting XIV: Jack Mitchell from Wiley

2 years ago

Hello and Welcome to FDU Wealth Management Advisory Club Meeting. In this meeting, we have our very own WMA Club President Jack Mitchell, from Wiley to speak to our club about the CPA, CMA, and CFA Exams.

Reminders for our members:

1. If you have any ideas for future meetings like which speakers should come in or any topics that you would like to talk about, please let us know.
2. If you have not joined our GroupMe Group Chat, ask one of the members or e-board members so that we can add you in.
3. If you want discounts on Wiley Products, please see our Club President, Jack Mitchell.
4. If you are interested in becoming our Public Relations Representative and/or Co-Social Media Director, please let any e-board member know.
5. We have added another meeting for this semester. It will be on Wednesday May 4th at 4 PM. We will be co-hosting the event with FDU Silberman’s Professional Development Program. For our Florham Campus Members, the meeting will be held in the Monninger Center in the Doerfler Room and for our Metro Campus Members, it will held via Zoom. (Check our linktr.ee for the Zoom Link). Our speaker will be UBS.
6. If you are interested in learning about stocks and want to invest money, come to Markets Update with Jon Budish every Tuesday from 3-4 PM on both campuses in the Bloomberg Labs and via Zoom.
7. If you are interested in invest money, come to the Student Management Investment Fund Club every Tuesday from 4-5 PM on both campuses in the Bloomberg Labs and via Zoom.

FDU WMA Club Meeting Schedule: (FOR SPRING SEMESTER 2022)
5/5/22: UWORLD Roger CPA/CFA Review (Janill Brionnes-Lopez)

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