NEVER TRUST THE CIA (OR ANY “EXPERTS”): Korean War and the Gross Failure of Intelligence Agencies

2 years ago

Through the political and societal developments of the past few years, it has become evident that too many people trust "experts" implicitly--even though they are often wrong, with disastrous consequences. One of the most notable historical failures I can think of is the failure of the "experts" in the US Intelligence Community, civilian government, and military to predict the intervention of the Chinese Communists in the Korean War--an intervention for which the US/UN forces were ill prepared. Through this failure, countless died needlessly and the US/UN failed to achieve their foreign policy objectives. To strengthen my point, I mostly limit myself to the CIA's own documents on the matter. The failure to predict this is such a monumental failure that I am beginning to doubt whether it was accidental or if Joe McCarthy was on to something. Whether through incompetence or malice, it is clear that most "experts" are not worth your implicit trust and everything they claim must be scrutinized.

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