Did This Greenwood Homeowner Have the Justification to Pull the Trigger?

1 year ago

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses a recent shooting which took place in Seattle's Greenwood neighborhood last week. We take a closer look at this because based upon what the media has reported (so far) there is question as to whether this was a justifiable shooting. So we take a real life example and analyze it under Washington law so that you can educate yourself and arm yourself with education today.

Seattle Police Investigating After Homeowner Shoot and Kills Alleged Burglar in Greenwood. https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/seattle-police-investigating-after-homeowner-shoots-kills-alleged-burglar-greenwood/IDMAHTNPQ5HITOK455U7LEBTSQ/
Applicable Statutes:

RCW 9A.16.020. https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=9A.16.020

RCW 9A.16.050. https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=9A.16.050
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Check Out our Bullet Point Series. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTYlAL5t-3aPwsSwmze-Dw_ev5b7PgNpe
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