Bullet Points. Using One of These As a Flashlight

2 years ago

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses a question, which we actually get with some frequency, which is "can we use a muzzle mounted light as an illumination device if we are outside out home?" The answer is of course you can, BUT please remember that IF you end up illuminating another human being, you would only be doing so by aiming or pointing the muzzle at another person. That, without lawful authority, can land you in a lot of trouble because you could, at the very least be charged with a violation of RCW 9.41.230. So arm yourself with knowledge today in 3 minutes so that you can always remain the lawful and responsible gun owner.
Applicable Statutes:

RCW 9.41.230. https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=9.41.230
Other Resources:

Bullet Points. Pointing a Firearm at Someone Else in Washington. https://youtu.be/1mMiCUP8X5E

When Can I Legally Display My Firearm in Washington State? https://youtu.be/G_iU9KYqOLU

When Can I Point a Firearm at Someone Else in Washington State? https://youtu.be/a43i5fwoMkA

Check Out our Bullet Point Series. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTYlAL5t-3aPwsSwmze-Dw_ev5b7PgNpe
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