pedophiles wouldn't get fed if it weren't for the Spiritually dead *piano punk

1 year ago

that smile is so creepy
i hate this so much by the way
unconventional formidable talent
western civ ain't much of a civ
depression ain't a bad thing
seeing the truth about the world around you
the stupidity of modernity
i'm all for anything that encourages spiritual growth
i'm all for depression if it helps you understand the Truth about God
i'm all for annhilation of things run by satan
actual freedom that actually rings (SALVATION)
what they tell us america is...shadow world too much evidence
the Spiritually dead will consistently be mislead
this is terrible, don't think i dunno
i say things that come across as hurtful
i say things that make me sound so bad
i wanna save the world
they wanna download yet another app
modernity problem is all
the more stuff they add the more humanity they subtract
society is totally fine with that for the most part
do you contribute to the problem or the solution
the answer is in the Bible and improving upon your Spiritual condition
if you're not walking with God you work for Satan without getting paid
those that live among you need a good example
i have a ben shapiro sweatshirt and i have to live with that
i like nick but what's gonna fix the system, man cmon
your head is barely above water
it's time to just give up on this country
they have hope in lies
you could be bettering yourself right now but let's just whine instead
these are the people who think they're right
no no no enmity with God
you will never be treated right if you tell the Truth
i know i complain about this time a lot but...
astral project into the past?
time isn't real so it really doesn't matter
who am i to say i was born in the wrong time, kind of a piece of shit for that, sorry Lord
God does it to everyone!
the devil can always use that knowledge against ya, he knows exactly what can get ya
so many times it's embarrassing, right
once again, reminds me of where my Salvation comes from
he fucks with me extra
all that mental illness crap is just the devil
37 yrs dealing with this shit
a spiritual problem has a spiritual solution
depression can bring you closer to God
all of this has just proven my eventual resiliance
a meltdown is my most natural state haha
i go out in public damnit, i also bathe haha
i hate social media but i am still doing this
God rules, the devil drools get used to that bitch
that clipboard don't mean shit
they want you to be ashamed cos you haven't figured out life yet
that's what the Bible is for, if i had read it any earlier, i doubt i woulda gotten it the way i do now
yes i use swear words and have a weed hat on, i am actually applying the Gospel of
i am an emotional genius for this, unselective empathy
the "christians" will misunderstand cos they never read Psalm 104
everybody's allowed to have stupid thoughts, feelings have no context
no we don't worship the icons
if they do ask the questions they ain't the right questions
unconventionality and "disease" allows me to reach a lotta people
if you love your neighbor, you're loving God
more book of Revelations shit
the drug dealers that help the govt
in all fairness, he did get all the troops outta afghanistan
yes we still have that trump flag
i need to burn so much political shit
he really was the only one that wasn't full of shit, reading off a script
dt is now daddy pfizer
he knows that that shit is poison and ALL OF EM cause all kindza problems tho he mainly mentioned autism
their principles aren't in order if they want a savior (they already have one)
trump is the pretend hero/villain

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