Old Matt Taibbi SLAMS New Matt Taibbi's Elon Musk PR

2 years ago

Matt Taibbi spoke with Joe Rogan last year about an anecdote from a book by journalist Seymour Hersh where the CIA called Hersh to see if he'd report on the agency capturing an Israeli spy if they gave him materials directly to report on. Hersh said he couldn't in good conscience just take this material and report it out. Taibbi says that there's a lesson to be learned from this: "Once you start getting handed things, then you've lost. They have you at that point and you gotta get out of that habit. You just can't cross that line." -- Fast forward to this month where we find Taibbi complaining to Krystal and Sagaar: “People are like, ‘You're doing PR for the richest man in the world... blah blah blah...’ Journalists don't care where information comes from.”

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