CIA Domestic My Lai style Military Murders (16 murders listed)

2 years ago

CIA approved, Military Precision murders of CIA family operatives:

HOLLYWOOD (UPI)—July 15, 1969: An autopsy will be performed on John Zweyer, 33, son-in-law of entertainer Art Linkletter, to determine whether his shooting death was suicide or an accident. Zweyer, an insurance broker and husband of Linkletter's daughter, Dawn, 29, fatally wounded himself in the head with a.38-caliber revolver Tuesday at his home.

BENEDICT CANYON---August 9, 1969: CIA operatives Sharon Tate, Abigail Folger, Tom Kummer, Voytek Frykowski were bayoneted 104 times by M-7 bayonets. Non-CIA guest Steven Parent, age 18, was bayoneted once and shot four times by rifles. Dogsitter William Garetson, age 19 was not harmed nor were the three dogs and dozen cats.

August 10, 1969: CIA operative Leno LaBianca and his wife Rosemary were bayoneted 51 times.

WEST HOLLYWOOD: At 9 a.m. on October 4, 1969, Diane Linkletter, age 20 jumped out of a window of her sixth-floor apartment at the Shoreham Towers in West Hollywood, California. She was first taken to Hollywood Receiving Hospital, then to LAC+USC Medical Center where she died of injuries she sustained in the fall. She landed on the North Horn Avenue sidewalk directly across from 1211 North Horn Avenue apartments: Home to Edward D. Durston and Connie Monti and numerous CIA operatives. Diane Linkletter was baking cookies with Ed Durston on this Saturday morning.

WEST HOLLYWOOD: October 8, 1969, Mrs. Toni Kay (Connie) Monti, age 31, died after having the attended the memorial service for her neighbor Diane Linkletter. Ed Durston was her neighbor.

PRESIDIO HEIGHTS SAN FRANCISCO: On the night of October 11, 1969, Paul Stine climbed into his taxi cab to begin his night shift. He undoubtedly planned to finish his work and then return to his loving wife, his quiet home, and the rest of his life. Unfortunately, Paul Stine stopped on a San Francisco Street to pick up a man in need of a ride. The man directed Stine to an upscale neighborhood known as Presidio Heights. Unbeknownst to Stine, his passenger was a murderer who called himself the Zodiac. While the man may have given Stine the impression that, once they reached the designated destination, he would simply pay the fare and go on his way, the man had other plans; he lied to Stine, knowing full well that he planned to execute the driver who was only doing his job. The killer calmly walked into the Presidio ARMY Base via Spruce Street.

SOQUEL-Santa Cruz---October 19, 1970: Dr. Victor Ohta, 45, had been shot twice. His wife Virginia, 43, two of their four children — sons Derrick, 12, and Taggert, 11 — and the eye surgeon’s secretary, Dorothy Cadwallader, 38, were each shot once. All were bound with the silk scarves the doctor wore. The family cat was shot too. All the victims were tossed into the swimming pool at this Frank Lloyd Wright designed house.

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