Otto II II II II : Uniquely Crafted Crushing Metal

1 year ago

The scientists over at Otto Audio struck gold with this one. This thing has it all: rich harmonics, brutal distortion and yet you can somehow still hear the individual notes.
In this demo track, I used the default preset, not touching a knob to change anything. This is the "out of the box" sound and I gotta say, it's what Willis was talkin' about. (70's kids understand what Im saying)
If you play metal, you owe it to yourself to at least demo it. I wish someone would have stressed this to me earlier. This past summer's Autumn Plague album would have had II II II II guitars all over it.
Don't take my word for it. Go check it out for free for 14 days. Also, they're running a Black Friday deal where everything is 50% off.
Link below:

...and no...I have no affiliation with Otto Audio, nor did they contact me to make this video. All opinions are my own. Maybe if they would have asked me to check it out, Id have made this video months ago. haha

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