Mega Man 4 [NES] No Damage Playthrough

1 year ago

Played by Zenith.

Some dumb things to note: I realized after making this video that Toad Man's attack could be neutralized with his weakness weapon (I always used to just pepper him with the Mega Buster and that's what I've done here, twice), so I could've started with Dive Man, Drill Man, and then Toad Man to save some time. So... enjoy watching me fight the easiest robot master in the series in the most tedious way possible. I also fought Dive Man with Dust Man's weapon, during the first battle, to... waste time? lol

Skull Man is a really fun fight. though very manipulable. The same goes for Pharaoh Man who, at first, seems intimidating, but it actually rather simple to fight. When he charges up his attack, just jump right as he turns white, and he will miss every time.

Drill Man is probably the trickiest fight here. When he dives into the ground, wait a few seconds and then make Mega Man walk as though he has a limp. That will make it so Drill Man misses you when he dives out of the ground. If he begins to walk afterwards, that means he's going to fire off his drills. Luckily, he fires at regular intervals, so as long as you nail the timing, it's not terribly difficult to avoid taking a hit. Just make sure you don't get backed into a corner, as you will most likely need to jump over him.

When you fight Bright Man, he has an annoying habit of freezing you in-place. However, he only does this when his HP is divisible by 4 (?). So, all that's required to prevent him from using this technique is to fire off a single buster shot at him, at the beginning, and then use Rain Flush for the rest of the fight.

0:00 - Intro
2:11 - Toad Man's stage
4:08 - Toad Man fight
5:33 - Pharaoh Man's stage
7:28 - Pharaoh Man fight
8:40 - Ring Man's stage
11:29 - Ring Man fight
12:29 - Dust Man's stage
14:37 - Dust Man fight
15:37 - Dive Man's stage
18:50 - Dive Man fight
20:20 - Drill Man's stage
22:24 - Drill Man fight
23:46 - Bright Man's stage
26:26 - Bright Man fight
27:30 - Skull Man's stage
29:52 - Skull Man fight
31:30 - Cossack stage 1
33:39 - Mothraya fight
34:29 - Cossack stage 2
36:19 - Square Machine fight
37:48 - Cossack stage 3
40:25 - Cockroach Twins fight
41:24 - Cossack stage 4
42:54 - Cossack Catcher fight
44:26 - Wily stage 1
46:10 - Metall Daddy fight
47:33 - Wily stage 2
49:33 - Tako Trash fight
50:33 - Wily stage 3
51:46 - Drill Man fight 2
52:33 - Bright Man fight 2
53:11 - Skull Man fight 2
53:58 - Dive Man fight 2
54:30 - Toad Man fight 2
55:11 - Dust Man fight 2
55:38 - Ring Man fight 2
56:02 - Pharaoh Man fight 2
56:52 - Wily Machine 4 fight 1
57:32 - Wily Machine 4 fight 2
58:34 - Wily stage 4
58:58 - Wily Capsule fight
59:24 - Ending

Is all, really.

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