Being heavily programmed towards negative attention and breaking free layer after layer

1 year ago

All fire creation beings are programmed to be resonant with negative attention and frequencies from the inversion. We sometimes believe signs are positive until we realize what is really going on underneath. The system here deprives you of positive attention through much and constant engineering. The matrix is built on negative attention. We tend to accept negative attention because sometimes, that is all that is offered to us and we prefer it than no exterior attention at all and the confronting aspect of that. Positive attention is quite rare and there are many forms of negative attention, including love-bombing techniques and flattery. Some handlers will give you attention, yet it is going to be the negative type of attention.
When that attention goes away, you might feel as you are no longer special to them or anybody because this kind of attention has no healing frequency to it : it is usery. Attention-seeking is the game of the insecure, most of the time because of what we have gone through in the programs and a profound forgetting.

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