How Oregon's New Magazine Ban Is Far Worse Than Anyone Realizes

1 year ago

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses a very troubling realization that we've had about Oregon Ballot Measure 114 and in particular Oregon's new large capacity magazine ban. Under the very plain language of this new legislation, any magazine which hold more than 10 round OR any magazine which can be converted to hold more than 10 rounds will be illegal contraband. So any notion of just plugging your magazines is now legally impossible by the definition the drafters of this legislation chose. What does this all mean to you, the lawful and responsible gun owner of Oregon? Not anything good, that's for sure. Learn more and arm yourself with education today.
Applicable Measures:

Oregon Ballot Measure 114.
Other Resources:

What Does Oregon's New Magazine Ban Really Mean to You?

All the Devilish Details of Oregon Ballot Measure 114.

Oregon, a State Looking for New and Innovative Ways to Disarm Their Citizens.

How Oregon Voters Are Being Misled by Ballot Measure 114.

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