City Councilmember Pastor Brian E. Hawkins Joins Jesse! (Ep. 291)

1 year ago

On this week's episode of TheFallenState TV, host Jesse Lee Peterson is joined by Pastor Brian Hawkins—He is a pastor at the Divine Appointment Worship Center in San Jacinto, California and serves as a City Councilmember in San Jacinto as well. Pastor Brian joins Jesse to discuss his recent run for Congress, his time in prison, how he returned to Christ, forgiveness, and much more!

Pastor Brian E. Hawkins:,

00:00 Start
00:25 Guest Intro
01:17 Welcome to The Fallen State!
01:32 Pastor Brian E. Hawkins
02:00 Why did Pastor Brian run for office?
02:51 Are there black people in San Jacinto?
04:00 Blacks tend to be more conservative by nature
05:00 Blacks always put God first according to Pastor Brian
05:30 But are they still that way now?
06:15 The black vote is a generational thing
07:41 Was Pastor Brian called by God?
08:29 Is it hard to work under a female Mayor?
10:21 Is it in a woman’s nature to lead?
11:30 Proverbs 31
12:25 Weak men in the Bible
13:30 Where are all these strong black women that are raising leaders?
15:52 No such thing as strong women just weak men
16:45 Weak people seek education
17:25 Pastor Brian spent 10 years in prison
18:13 Does Pastor Brian have fear or perfect peace?
19:57 How does Pastor Brian deal with down time?
20:50 Pastor Brian wants blacks to stop being mischaracterized
22:00 What causes fear, doubt, and stress?
23:07 Can you be Born Again and still have fear?
23:48 “Its impossible to taste the Goodness of Jesus and go back to your old self”
25:30 The black church turned against Herschel Walker
27:11 Black people are tired of the Democratic Party
28:05 Bill Clinton was not afraid to go into the black community
28:45 The modern Republican Party has let blacks down
30:21 We are living under a one-party system
31:24 Would a perfect Republican Party be able to help the blacks?
32:33 What does America First look like?
33:45 Pastor Brian saw “black excellence” when he went to GA
35:03 Should people be thinking in groups?
36:10 Pastor Brian agrees the Civil Rights movement was bad for black folks
37:30 Blacks used to build their own stuff
39:00 Nothing is holding black people back
39:40 Pastor Brian saw “real Wakanda”
41:00 Pastor Brian felt like white republicans didn’t vote for him because he was black
42:15 JLP says there was nothing wrong with that
43:43 Will the country ever get better?
44:47 How will the country get better?
46:10 The country cannot get better with women in power
47:47 Kids are out of control thanks to the mothers
48:10 JLP quizzed the pastor on God’s order 😂
49:18 Anger and sin comes through the seed of man according to Pastor Brian 😭
50:20 Christ was born of the Father
51:00 Jesus did not have anger, he had discernment
52:08 JLP is blaming women for what they do and men for what they do
53:00 Blacks demonize black women - Pastor Brian
53:17 Does your wife obey you?
54:20 Pastor Brian compares himself to a king 👑
55:18 What will it take for black people to overcome anger?
56:09 Black fathers did not have to be affectionate to show love in the good old days
57:20 Strong people cannot be taken over by evil
57:39 Does racism exist?
58:54 Did God ever say racism exists?
59:42 God said it was a spiritual battle not a physical one
1:00:45 Most people are of the spirit of Evil
1:01:47 Sin exists but not racism
1:02:41 What is a man?
1:02:57 And what is love?
1:04:01 THE HOT SEAT
1:08:43 How to find Pastor Brian
1:09:25 Credits





The Fallen State is a weekly TV talk show hosted by Jesse Lee Peterson. The program examines human nature and relationships in an honest and open manner and goes places that no other show dares to go in pursuit of Truth and enlightenment. Tune in on FRIDAYS at 12 Noon Pacific Time / 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time to catch our Premieres!

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