Do Soul Families or Soul Tribes Exist? How Do You Reunite With Them? | Sufi Meditation Center

2 years ago

Q&A Video Chapters :
00:00 What is the ‘Ha’ of Allah (AJ) mean?
10:56 Before our souls came, were we all in the same association or were there different groups of people from different locations, realms, star systems, tribes?
17:13 How to defend from negative energy attacking from the feet at night?
19:19 How to use esphand (wild rue seed) to rid of jinns (unseen beings) and bad energies?
21:58 If a person has an injury or accident is that also bad energy too?
22:55 What is the reality of the seal of Solomon and the star of Solomon in Islam?
26:03 How do we deal with the frustration and sadness of not knowing why we were sent or what our mission is?
31:37 Could you please talk about the Hijabil Bashariya (Veils of Humanity)?
38:20 What should we do if we stopped our practices and service due to failing our tests in tariqah (spiritual path)?

Recorded : 20220728

The Muhammadan Way is home to world-renowned Sufi Muslim teacher Shaykh Nurjan, exploring traditional Islamic realities and sciences of the soul.

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