NOAA Temperature Lies to Hide a Cooling Planet - Mini Ice Age 2015-2035

1 year ago

Despite being a public, taxpayer-funded institution, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) insists that it is under no obligation to provide the research papers, as demanded in a subpoena by Lamar Smith (R-Texas).Gosh. What vital information of national secrecy importance could NOAA possibly have to hide?

That question is entirely rhetorical, by the way. The answer is obvious – well known to every one
within the climate change research community. And the whole business stinks. When these documents
are released, as eventually they surely must be, what will become evident is that this represents
the most disgraceful official cover-up by the politicized science establishment since the release of the Climategate emails.
At the root of the issue is the inconvenient truth that there has been no “global warming” since January 1997.
This is clearly shown by the most reliable global temperature dataset – the RSS satellite records – and was even
grudgingly acknowledged in the most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment
report. While still insisting that there has been a slight warming – an increase, since 1998, of around 0.05
degrees C per decade – the IPCC had in all honesty to admit that this is smaller than the 0.1 degrees C error
range for thermometer readings, and consequently statistically insignificant.
But if there has been no “global warming” for nearly 19 years how can alarmist proselytisers like President
Obama and John Kerry possibly hope to convince an increasingly skeptical public that this apparently nonexistent
problem yet remains the most pressing concern of our age?”
Step forward the Obama administration’s helpful friends at NOAA. It’s not supposed to be a politicized
institution: its job is to do science, not propaganda. But the memo must have been missed by NOAA scientists
Thomas Karl and Thomas Peterson who, in May this year, published a “study” so favourable to the alarmist
cause it might just as well have been scripted by Al Gore and Greenpeace, with a royal foreword by the Prince of
Wales, and a blessing from Pope Francis.
“Data show no slowdown in recent global warming” declared NOAA’s press release. “The Pause”, in other
words, was just the construct of a few warped deniers’ twisted imaginations.
Naturally this new “evidence” was seized on with alacrity by the usual media suspects.

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