David Sumrall | Liberty Report

2 years ago



Urgent Call to Action!

INSTRUCTIONS: “How do I write my two letters to the Supreme Court and Brunson Brothers?”

Instructional video following.

1. Get 2 envelopes, 2 stamps, 2 pieces of paper.

2. On each piece of paper write attention to the “9 Supreme Court Justices”. Express support of Brunson vs Alma S Adams et al, No.: 22-380. Sign your name and date it. You can write more. It’s that simple.

Here’s a link to a template letter to personalize/print:


3. You now have either 2 handwritten copies or 2 printed copies.

4. One copy goes into a stamped envelope addressed to: Supreme Court of the United States, 1 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20543.

5. One copy goes into a stamped envelope addressed to: Loy & Raland Brunson, 4287 South Harrison Blvd., Apt. 132, Ogden, Utah 84403. They’re counting your letters! *Add $1 dollar to say thanks.

6. URGENT, the case is slated for JANUARY 6th. Mail your letters!

7. Share with friends & family.

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