Root out traitors helping CCP to bring this country down 铲除帮助共产党搞垮美国的叛徒

1 year ago

🔥 Passionate speech of Prince Li from the New Federal States of China (#NFSC) at #AmFest2022 — 12/20/2022:
💥Not all Chinese students are spies, and 99.9% of the Chinese students came to America for freedom. US’ Rule of Law and our faith in God are not for sale! God wants us to fight with evil.
💥The CCP is a Godless Communist regime that actively teaches people to hate God. The American and Chinese people have a shared interest in securing America and rooting out every single traitor that's helping the CCP to bring this country down.
#CCP≠Chinese #takedownCCP #WakeUpAmerica

#凤凰城 #新中国联邦 #中共≠中国人 #消灭中共

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