Into the Matrix 2023 - Andrew Tate

1 year ago

There is cosmic power in a revolution of the earth around the sun.

A new year, a new chance.

A time of change.

But the universe can not give its graces to all of you.

Some of you will live a life youve been dreaming of. You will become winners.

The rest of you will be left inside of the Matrix to be slaves for the winners. You will remain losers.

Everybody is praying for the same. Everybody wants a chance.

You must please the universe by showing that you WANT TO BE A WINNER more than everyone else does.

If you REALLY want something, you can have it, but you must SHOW THAT YOU ARE SERIOUS.

You must show dedication.

You can not start on January first to make new years changes. Thats when all the losers will start.

You must start early to show you are more serious than they are.


If you are serious, I am prepared to show I am serious to help you.

Ive had thousands of emails from people begging me to offer the discounted price for The Real World once again.

They were slow, and now that the price is tripled, they are mad at themselves for missing a chance.

So here is what I will do.

I am going to write a number.

Across the next few days I will send you emails in which you see this number decrease.

Soon, it will hit zero. And from there - the opportunity disappears forever.

That number is 17,651.

17,651 of you can access your chance for freedom at the discounted 49 dollar price.

Once this number reaches zero, the price returns to 149 dollars. Because slow people, losers, do not deserve mercy.

I reward those who try hard, I reward those who take fast action. The universe does the same.

Now is the best chance you will ever get to gain access to the tools to escape the Matrix.


Now is the best possible price that will ever exist for you to escape.

Think about this...

Over 1,100,000 people have been sent this email.

Which 17651 of you will be the quickest? Which of you are the winners?

Soon - the price goes back up. And the losers are left to FAIL.

Tick tock.

Time is running out.



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