Whole Foods prepping for the Great Reset with QR code

1 year ago

Whole Foods (Amazon) prepping for the Great Reset.
December 2022

A woman films the entrance to the Whole Food Markets shopping center (https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whole_Foods_Market) (operated by Amazon (https://t.me/ChrisInfosTrumpAndCo/8212))

The woman:
"It's very strange.
You can't even get into the store without going through these machines.
(To the security guy)
You need a QR code? You need a QR code to be able to go and buy what I need?"

"Yes, actually with the Wifi it scans your products!"

"Wow. This is the future of shopping malls?
This is California."

"Consumers can enter a store equipped with Just Walk Out technology using one of 3 methods:

1) Amazon One, a contactless identity service that uses your palm to pay

2) credit or debit card

3) app-based entry(...)

All of the input options allow Just Walk Out technology to identify which account entered the store, and then charge for items when consumers exit with items...

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