WTF 53 - WTF XMAS SPECIAL and Santa is fat and responsible for all obesity.

1 year ago

Now they want to cancel Santa because he's obese and fat.

An Australian health researcher is urging people to stop making Santa Claus look fat – and ditch the milk and cookies for apples.

An Australian health researcher and food scientist wants us to stop making Santa fat by purposely sticking pillows or other stuffing down the front of the famous red suit.

Dr Vincent Candrawinata knows he won’t necessarily be popular for saying so, but he says someone needs to.

“Shopping centres should not go above and beyond and make a concerted effort to make Santa look fat,” he told

Dr Candrawinata is calling for a healthier representation of Santa and while “skinny does not actuate being healthy,” he said we need to stop teaching children to associate the joy of Christmas with overindulging in bad foods.

“For a lot for us, myself included, it’s one of our earliest, joyful childhood memories and I think that it can have a profound positive impact on children when they don’t see the association with a joyful holiday and the urge to gorge and overindulge in terms of food and beverages,” he said.

“Kids absorb a lot much more than we think they do.”

An Australian health researcher is calling for people to stop trying to make Santa fat. Picture: Mark Stewart
An Australian health researcher is calling for people to stop trying to make Santa fat. Picture: Mark Stewart
It’s not just the constant portrayal of Santa with a big belly that Dr Candrawinata has a problem with.

He would like parents to consider ditching the cookies and milk on Christmas Eve.

“Perhaps parents can start the conversation with the kids that maybe leaving green and red apples – which are Christmas colours – for Santa can be a healthier alternative, because at the end of the day we have to start somewhere,” he said.

“If Santa can drop one unhealthy habit maybe it can be the beginning of something better, showing kids you can be happy, healthy, jolly without having to be overweight.”

Dr Vincent Candrawinata wants parents to consider green and red apples instead of cookies and milk for Santa. Night Before Christmas, in 2012.

Dr Candrawinata said he wanted people to know his passion and push to make Santa healthier comes from a good place.

“I lost my grandpa to heart disease and I really do think it had a lot to do with him being overweight and I really do think someone needs to talk about this, and this is the reason I am in the field I am,” he said.

As my son pointed out why were people in the 70s less likely to be obese? Did they blame obesity on Santa?

So I'll call it what it is. Total absolute bullshit. Just like the vaccinated are less likely to have traffic accidents. Absolute rubbish.

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