1 year ago

**WARNING: The Covid Clot Shot is not the only one we need to be concerned about. Now they are labeling ALL the Children's and Baby Jabs Medical Counter Measures.

There has been some tampering with the Childhood Vaccine Schedule -- Serious Injuries and Deaths are up 400% when the Vaccination Rates for children have gone Down and are continuing to go down. It is great that Parents are connecting the dots but this 400% increase when LESS children are being vaccinated is a danger warning sign indicating these Vaccines have been modified and tampered with.

What does it mean that they changed the Childhood Vaccinations to Medical Counter Measures? It means they are now considered Military Counter Measures that DON'T have to go through the good manufacturing processes, they do NOT have to proven to be Effective OR Safe and under Section 3024 of the Cures Act it states that Health Care Providers and Parents do not need to have Informed Consent. This is some N a z i, evil shit that was placed in legislation.

The Gov has decided that it is NOT in the best interest of Parents to be Informed. The Gov is saying parents do not need to know what is in these products and now ALL childhood vaccines have been categorized this way. This occurred on August 24, 2020 on Trump's watch.

What else does being labeled as Medical Counter Measures mean? It means they can place mRNA in ALL vaccines without Informing the Physicians or the Parents. Some more Na-zi shit.

This is LITERALLY giving DOCTORS/PHYSICIANS a Legal License to Kill. Now most won't even know what is going on as they just follow CDC Guidelines and ignorantly don't question a damn thing. They are turning our doctors into N-az-i soldiers and most doctors are enjoying the fruits of their labor so much knowing they will NOT hold any liability if death, disability or injury is the result, so they don't even think of questioning. It is no longer their JOB. They will leave that up to the CDC to determine. Do you see how it works and how it is being set up?

Once again, they are telling Pediatricians to not worry about disability and deaths but let us worry about that.

They are making their move to place this DNA Modifying mRNA in ALL jabs. All of them. This IS the plan and they WILL do this if it hasn't already been placed in the vaxines. They are putting mRNA in Flu Shots and doing their "tests", which the outcomes have been decided years ago.

Crimes against humanity are happening right under our noses.

A Psychopaths are INVISABLE to Normal People.

They believe it's time to CLEANSE those who are a contamination to the World, which is 90% of the population.

Why do I say this is some Na-zi shit?

The Children’s Killing Commission was setup in Berlin and they had a dossier on every child born in Germany. ANY Child who was defective in ANYWAY, who was cross eyed, who had a clubbed foot or any kind of deformity or any child who had a mental problem between 0 and 3 was Eliminated and the Code was very interesting.

A child who was allowed to live had a MINUS placed on the outside of their folder. A child who was marked for Death was marked with a PLUS.

The Killing Children’s Commission took children to wards and hospitals where German children were experimented upon with drugs or allowed to freeze to death and they were murdered in large numbers and the Gov said “we are getting clean.”

A program called AKTION 4 because there were 4 great estates in Germany and the first was AKTION – they installed Killing Chambers for the people they would bus in. They were told they would have a lovely day in the country but that wasn’t the case.

That is how these psychos/Naz-i’s think.

ADOLF HITLER was CHOSEN and TRAINED by a group of American Industrialists including John D Rockefeller JR, Henry Ford, Franklin Roosevelt, the Bush Uncles. John Rockefeller sent his own man John Ivy to Europe, PRIOR to Hitler’s “coming out party” and conducted a Finishing School for 3 guys: Hitler, Goring and Goebbels. He taught them how to run Propaganda Campaigns and how to take over people’s minds and controlling their behaviors.

The Holocaust was their “Clinical Trial” / live simulation for what they are doing NOW.

WWII came about as the League of Nations didn’t do what they were supposed to so it brought about a pause to the Global Dominance.

1952 – The League of Nations was Reformatted into the United Nations. Other organizations were created like Codex Alimentarius, The World Health Organization, CDC.

WW II – did not go as planned and the heads of IG Farben were sent to jail after the War concluded, they were basically all the Pharmaceutical Executives of Germany and Austria.

John D Rockefeller just so happened to own CONTROLLING Interests in all of those companies. This is the evil guy who DESTROYED Natural Medicine.

He created the Enzyme Poisoning System – our today conventional medicine – which literally is designed to slowly poison our bodies and cause the types of illness they treat. VERY Tricky and Deceptive industry.

Once the Evil Murdering Pharmaceutical Heads and Top Executives of IG Fargen, Bayer and others got out of jail they went right back into the pharmaceutical business as CEO’s and Presidents to once again, make people “HEALTHY.”

If you believe for ONE single second that these kind of people are not in charge right now of Big Pharma, you need to wake the hell up.

They are implementing mass genocide at a Global Scale right now.

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