Conservatives Threaten To Split GOP If Government Funding Passes

1 year ago

Conservatives Threaten To Split GOP If Government Funding Passes

Thirteen House Republicans are threatening to oppose any legislation passed by the Senate in the 118th Congress if GOP senators go through with supporting a full-year spending package before the end of the current term.

With support from chamber leadership, Senate Appropriations Committee chairman Patrick Leahy of Vermont and ranking member Richard Shelby of Alabama negotiated a bill that would fund the federal government through Fiscal Year 2023 and keep non-defense spending constant. Although House Appropriations Committee chairwoman Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut participated in the talks, ranking member Kay Granger of Texas did not, since House Republican leadership opposes passing the bill before the 118th.

Despite lower chamber opposition, the bill is expected to become law before Congress adjourns for Christmas. Government funding runs out Friday, Dec. 23, but Minority Leader Mitch McConnell plans for senators to leave for the recess by Thursday.

“We are obliged to inform you that if any omnibus passes in the remaining days of this Congress, we will oppose and whip opposition to any legislative priority of those senators who vote for this bill—including the Republican leader,” the members, led by Texas Rep. Chip Roy, wrote Monday. “If Senate Republicans refuse to give the House Republican majority the opportunity to take the pen on FY23 appropriations to enact fiscal restraint and check the Biden administration’s assault on the American people, then what purpose is there to the Republican Party outside of an urge for more power, perpetuation of grift, and show hearings?” “Kill this terrible bill or there is no point in pretending we are a united party, and we must prepare for a new political reality.” The FY2023 package will cost $1.7 trillion, according to text released early Tuesday morning by the Senate Appropriations Committee. The more than 4,100 page bill includes significant funding increases to Customs and Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. However, some of that money will be redirected to non-profit groups that have faced congressional scrutiny.

The legislation also includes supplemental military and economic aid to Ukraine, a prohibition on using TikTok on federal phones and devices, and reform of the Electoral Count Act.

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