December 28, 2021 🇺🇸 MOTHER MARY SAYS... The Downfall of America is coming!... Leave Japan as soon as possible

1 year ago

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The Downfall of America & Leave Japan as soon as possible

December 28, 2021 – Excerpt of Mother Mary’s Message thru Sister Clare

(Clare) Lord, give us wise, self-controlled, faithful and courageous hearts. Fill our souls with devotion to Your service and total submission to Your will… Amen.

(Mother Mary) “It is important that peace is kept, but never at the expense of truth or a necessary correction, but always for petty reasons that do nothing and have no importance. This is a key skill, dear ones. Learning to differentiate between what is important and what is a contentious spirit. Better to yield than to contend when it is not something that will affect faith or morals.

“After all, most arguing comes from vainglory and wanting to be right. Crucify that attitude of the heart, do not allow it to prosper. The devil will try a multitude of ways to cause division, but you can head him off. Eventually, he will get tired of trying to set you up, since he nonetheless won’t gain any ground. Avoid controversies and stating your opinion; things you do just to appear more informed than others.”

(Clare) ‘Mother, what are you trying to say?’

(Mother Mary) “Stay on track, dearest, and we will increase the anointing. Once people realize how to separate truth from error, they will favor truth. You have perceived well; Russia is very serious about keeping the U.S. out of their national business. America has a reputation for doing that very same thing all over the world. This is why she is hated by so many nations. It’s not about justice, it’s about serving your country’s own needs, even to the exclusion of the Ukrainian people. She has earned this reputation.

“Oh Clare, the whole situation is so very complicated. But as we have warned you so many times, war is coming to this nation (America). It is only a matter of time, but all the signs point to that, and as you have been instructed, these things will happen simultaneously… The earthquakes, the wars, the pandemics and the financial failure. This is why you have been getting things ready. America has already used up her mercy and gone way beyond of what was supposed to be hers.”

“Be confident in this… Nothing you suffer is being wasted. There is so much going on and this is very much needed. This is not strictly a natural occurrence; all of you are being egged on and targeted in certain areas.

“The enemy has no mercy, Clare. What you are living through right now is only the beginning of sorrows for the earth and its inhabitants. Brace yourselves, my people, arm yourselves with patient endurance. None of this is easy, for anyone. Get your food stores set, please, do not delay another day. You are running a risk of not having enough, if you wait any longer. Please finish off what I have asked you to do. Do not put it off. This is not your thinking; it is my speaking.

“Do not panic, just obey. Obedience is very important, and delayed obedience, as you say, is no obedience at all, but self-will. These storms are created deliberately to paralyze and immobilize your nation. They are at the door. My Son is holding them back at this point.

“If you live in Japan, I seriously warn you; Japan will disappear into the ocean. If you don’t want to go with it, please leave there as soon as possible. But you, my faithful, praying family, will be proven to be honorable and true to His calling upon all your lives, and there will be times when mercy is granted, because of your faithfulness.

“As people experience more and more deprivations and tragedies, some will return to God. They will seek answers from Him and He shall give those answers.”

(Clare) ‘I cannot imagine Jesus taking the water from the earth, Mother.’

(Mother Mary) “Nor can I, we will have to wait and see what He does. But understand that this would be the consequence of continual sinning, with no regard for others. Many things will not be recognized as chastisements for sin. This is where the Body of Christ comes in; they must know it is because of the sinfulness of man on earth.

“It will not be a popular message, but it will be the truth. Clare, someone must be honest with them, much of the ministry at that time will be prophetic, but it will also come with love and understanding. Those who repent will feel the sweetness of the Lord and be so convinced that not even death will frighten them.

“Others will indeed curse Him on their way to Hell. This is the last thing He wants for them, so He will do everything in His power to move them in the right direction. Yet there will be those who shake their fist at Him. How sad this will be, because Jesus offered them His Love, yet they will not acknowledge their guilt, and instead they will blame it all on Him. These are the hard cases that need the most prayer. How grateful they shall be if they say ‘yes’ to Him again, on that day!”

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