Episode 244: Our Top 100 Games of All Time (50-41) or When Feld Poops In a Box It Is the Greatest Bo

1 year ago


Episode 244: Our Top 100 Games of All Time (50-41):
Merry Christmas! Katie is alive!
Dungeons & Co - 5 days, $49
Bah humbug! - 10 days, $29
Games played: 
Marvel United X-Men Sentinels and Nimrod
Pirate 21
Our Top 100 Games of All Time (50-41): 
Jason 50 - Maracaibo
Katie 50 - Covert
Jason 49 - Wingspan
Katie 49 - The One Hundred Torii
Jason 48 - The Godfather: Corleone’s Empire
Katie 48 - Taverns of Tiefenthal
Jason 47 - Thebes
Katie 47 - Thebes
Jason 46 - Aquasphere
Katie 46 - Ark Nova
Jason 45 - Merkator
Katie 45 - Dinosaur Island
Jason 44 - Merchants of the Dark Road
Katie 44 - Tang Garden
Jason 43 - Venice
Katie 43 - Santa Monica
Jason 42 - Newton
Katie 42 - Merkator
Jason 41 - Wreck Raiders
Katie 41 - Everdell

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