Bases News Interview - Michael Shrimpton June 2022 Banned in Dec 2022

2 years ago

In Dec 2022, shortly after Bases2022 Christmas Seminars, This June 2022 interview was banned by You Tube in Dec 2022, as he touched on too much of Google - WHO criminality.
Michael Shrimpton, who is an intelligence asset, and who blew the whistle on the DVD (Secret German Intelligence) low yield nuclear weapons, stolen from the Kursk Russian Submarine, deliberately sunk for the express purpose to get those nukes, for use at the London Olympics.

So, some observers could say,You-Tube Google, have now clearly signaled they support the so called Cabal, and are planning to kill over 95% of humanity, and wipe out all organic (CO2, Hydrocarbon based life) life on this world.

Thus they are Ante-Life.

The Bases Project is a researcher's resource for the betterment of the (human) public

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