Ezekiel and the Little Book

1 year ago

Passages in the biblical books of Revelation and Ezekiel are remarkably similar. Learn why both messages discuss a “little book,” a hard punishment, and a glorious future.

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Revelation always comes from God to one man. Your Bible describes a little book of thunderous revelation directly from the throne of God. In this end time, God delivered the little book to a man. Do you know where this little book is?

Request Gerald Flurry’s free book Malachi’s Message for the story of God’s Church gone off track, and what God did to correct the tragedy. Learn why it is so important to focus on the message rather than on the man who delivers it. Discover the key to remembering foundational spiritual truth, holding on to it for dear life, enduring through mass rebellion, following God’s man, and identifying spiritual rebels. Discover the astounding, thunderous warning from God contained in the little book, Malachi’s Message.

Also, request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet The Little Book. Prove the meaning of the little book prophecies in Ezekiel and Revelation. Once the seven thunders of the little book have sounded, we have entered a time of extreme urgency! Understand why the message of the little book is both sweet and bitter—full of good news and bad news. God’s master plan for man truly is sweet—but bitter punishment precedes its fulfillment.

You will also receive Gerald Flurry’s free book Ezekiel—The End-Time Prophet. God speaks through one man today—a man who is both a watchman and a prophet. This man sees the coming trouble about to shake the nations—and he warns mankind by the power of God, with the jarring impact of a trumpet blast!

Study Ezekiel—The End-Time Prophet to discover the inspiring focus of Ezekiel’s message. This dedicated prophet began his writing with a dazzling description of the Almighty God. God’s man today and those called to support Him must really know the one true God to awaken spiritually and sound the alarm!

The message of Ezekiel foretells horrifying suffering: terrorism, race riots, plagues, and national destruction. You must understand the reason for all these curses soon to strike our people. God explains why punishment must come, and He always warns before it arrives.

The Prophet Ezekiel also exposes the hidden spirit force behind the rebellion of God’s Church and the mounting troubles afflicting the world in this end time. Learn what you must do to escape punishment and obtain the most glorious reward imaginable. Mankind’s stupendous future is beyond our ability to grasp, but we must learn absolute loyalty to our Creator before we can receive the ultimate prize.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Malachi’s Message, The Little Book, and Ezekiel—The End-Time Prophet. Order now!

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