The Guru Trap | Predestination

2 years ago

There is an allure in secret knowledge, in having masters who you can elevate and simultaneously elevate yourself in the laborious pursuit of acquiring their knowledge and status.

Similarly there is an appeal in having proteges and students who validate your own self-elevation above others and give credibility and meaningful to the struggles that you have undertaken toward some pursuit.

Even in the cases where the guru and seeker relationship is legitimate, and all parties are working towards improvement in good faith, there is self-deception.

The guru is as deluded as the student.

There is no secret knowledge.

There is no teaching that must be doled out in some course, that you conveniently pay for.

There are no holy individuals.

There are no masters in the spiritual realms.

And what is most spiritual is most practical.

And full understanding of the Law, means there are no masters in anything.

All teacher-student relationships are false idolatry, and hinder individual progress towards the recognition of the one true God.

And the teachers and gurus themselves, in misleading their students, either consciously or unconsciously, are misleading themselves.

And trapping their own personal development into the bounds they have created for others.

We can look to others to clarify our understanding of the Order of the universe.

And we can enjoy and appreciate the progress others have made.

But all understanding is available to us and will be made not through our own efforts, but at the appropriate time based on our digestion and expression of the pattern of individual salvation.

©2022 Pearls & Bacon Ltd.

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