We Take Your Questions And Show You What Born Again Christians Are Called To Be-NTEB-DEC 21 2022

1 year ago


Tonight on the 'Rightly Dividing' King James Bible Study Program, we take your questions live on-air, and look at some great doctrines of the scriptures. For example, born again believers are called to be a witness, but do you know what we are a witness of, and to? A lot of Christians read the book of Job when going through a trial, but do you know that comfort in a time of trial is not the purpose of Job?

"This is my comfort in my affliction: for thy word hath quickened me." Psalm 119:50 (KJB)

2022 is almost over, and this will be the second to last Bible study we'll have this year. On Christmas Eve, Lord willing, we'll do our last study of the year on the timely subject of Migdal Eder, the birthplace of Jesus Christ on the Feast of Tabernacles. Join us tonight for this live NTEB 'Rightly Dividing' King James Bible Study starting 7:00 PM EST

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