2 years ago

MUST-DO MOVEMENT FOR ATHLETES AND ALL Humans - LATERAL MINI-BANDS! We use these a lot at @legacyatcarbon

Mini-bands are small resistance bands that go around your legs, typically around the ankle or above the knee. These are critical in not only developing strength and power in the lower body but also in activating the gluteal muscles, aka the buttocks, to absorb some of the impacts that the knee, namely the ACL, will encounter during normal and athletic activity.

These movements stimulate the neurological system to engage the glutes into activities. By doing these movements routinely, it will become second nature for you to utilize these muscles during play or everyday life. Weak or underutilized glutes can result in poor alignment of the hips, knees, and ankles forcing the knees to absorb the impact. This can cause damage to the ACL over the long-term and also increase the chances of an impact injury, such as an ACL-tear from a pivot, tackle in soccer or shot in wrestling.

Try these today and get mini-bands at

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