1 year ago



Everyone needs to know that Fluoride is pure poison. It does NOT prevent cavities or tooth decay. It is Toxic. The fluoride used by dentists is not the natural fluoride that comes from the ground but contains hundreds of chemicals. They dump this into the Water Supply in the name of Health. Dentists have been brainwashed that this is somehow good for your teeth. It is NOT. It is paid for Fake Science.

Tooth Decay is caused by High Blood Acidity 100%, period. When the blood has a low pH, guess how the body neutralizes it? It uses Calcium. Almost all of us do not have the correct Bioavailable Calcium in our blood, so what does the body do? It takes calcium from our teeth and bones. This results in low bone density and tooth decay.

A very simple way of giving the body natural bioavailable calcium is by juicing a lemon before you go to bed and right when you wake up on an empty stomach. NO - Lemons are NOT Acidic in the mouth! The very second it enters the mouth it turns Alkaline, instantly. Lemons also help increase the Proper HCl which has 7 Blends of Acid in the stomach, it flushes the liver after the liver has fought for you all night while sleeping and it replenishes bioavailable calcium to blood, organs and bones. Don't believe me, TRY it for ONE month for yourself. Your mouth will feel very clean and vitality will increase. No, it won't erode your teeth, it is Alkaline - one of the most alkaline foods on the planet when it enters your mouth. (Just thought I would add this in here.)

The Globalists are pushing Fluoride everywhere in the world – at one time 75% of the world's population water supply contains fluoride. Now Europe and countries like Japan, Germany and even China have banned it, but China loves to sell it to our Corrupt Government which promotes it as healthy for the American Citizens. It is just one more toxin used as a weapon against humanity. Fluoride puts more arsenic and lead in the water. Unfortunately, cities have to follow state laws.

The fluoride being used is EXTREMELY TOXIC. It is NOT Sodium Fluoride like back in the 1950's. Yes, it may be “labeled” sodium fluoride but it’s not. The fluoride used now is a mineral coming from the phosphate industry, a biproduct of very toxic waste, it is fluoride bound to silica called Fluorosilicic Acid. This acid does NOT turn alkaline in the mouth like lemons do.

So the next time a dentist tells you that you should NOT consume too many Lemons because they are Acidic, tell them they should NOT use Fluoride because it is too Acidic. Dentists have the same Rockefeller Medical Education as Medical Doctors, they are not taught the truth.

The Fluoride comes from China, see at 16:05 mark. There is NO telling what is in that shit, but you know it comes from the CCP who wants to depopulate, so I think it is a safe bet that there are extra goodies deliberately added. The FDA is 100% controlled by these Globalists so if you are thinking that they would catch it, no, oh no, they would be more likely to advise the toxins to put in it than looking for toxins to take out to protect. The FDA has nothing to do with protecting humanity. They are still promoting the experiment clot shots and are going to approve them for children, so they are more apt to kill us than help us.

Our food, water and air are under attack. We have NO saviors in Gov or any Gov agency. We are on our own here, we are the true regulators who need to step up to the plate.

When the healthy fluoride burns through concrete when accidentally spilled we should be questioning if it is really benefiting health. No brainer right? When the Gov is telling us what is healthy and making us put this shit in the water, what does that say about our government?

It’s time to wake up and realize we are in a silent invisible war with our very own protectors.

Fluoride can eat right through steel, glass and concrete, but just a little bit on our teeth and in our water is very healthy. Makes sense right? How in the hell our idiotic medical practitioners are blinded by this and paid incredible amounts of money to treat humans with it is beyond my comprehension.

Hydrofluorosilicic Acid – aka – fluoride in water has NO health benefits to mankind. NONE. Period.

In fact it is a crime against humanity.

Fluoride is a Violent Protoplasm Poison. What is Protoplasm? The LIVING part of the cell. In short, fluoride poisons LIFE.

We are exposed GRADUALLY to all these Toxins from our Air, Food, Water and Medical Products and they accumulate. During this accumulative exposure process our immune system and organs like liver and kidneys are overworked and simply cannot keep the body clean and neutralize toxins. Our liver is like a Garbage can, when it gets full the trash needs to be taken out, but what happens is not enough trash is taken out and gets dumped back into the blood. The toxins circulate and are stored in organs, tissue and skin. With the combination of a weakened immune system and overload of toxins, pathogens begin to proliferate as they actually feed off of Toxins and the byproducts are a variety of neurotoxins and dermotoxins.

So symptoms gradually begin to appear. We are taught/conditioned/brainwashed to go to the doctor to get a toxic drug which may temporarily relieve the symptoms but then you have just added another toxin that will accumulate and start more symptoms down the road. So you go back and receive your medical diagnosis – your “label”, like breast cancer, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, flus, other cancers, etc and then we go back to the doctor to receive more healthy medicine. This is why the USA is the sickest nation in the world. But we are said to have the best health care. Bullshit.

Watch all of this! Educate Yourself.

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